Helping Your Child Recover From Trauma And Loss

When children have difficult experiences it can be hard to know how to help.

In this course, Dr Naomi Fisher will explain how trauma affects the brain, why it can be hard to recover and how parents can help their children. You'll leave with an understanding of what's going on for your child (and you) and some practical ideas for how to help.

This course is suitable for those who have experienced different types of trauma, including medical trauma, family loss and school trauma.


This course is available to watch for 12 months after purchase.

It is suitable for children with and without a diagnosis


  • Welcome to the course (1 min)
  • How trauma affects the brain (17 mins)
  • What does this mean for children? (13 mins)
  • What can we do? (12 mins)
  • Stories (13 mins)
  • Keeping a sense of hope (12 mins)
  • Course summary (11 mins)
  • Goodbye (2 mins)
  • Course handouts (5 PDF documents)
  • Helpful books (1 min)
  • How to get started with story telling (PDF document
  • Telling stories with children (audio, 10 mins)
  • Q&A Session (17 mins)

Total running time: 1 hour 49 mins


Dr Naomi Fisher is a clinical psychologist and author. She specialises in trauma, autism and alternative approaches to education. She is registered with the HCPC. This course is not therapy and should not be used as a replacement for therapy.

Cover illustration: @BexGoneWest

What People Are Saying:

Naomi's insight into children needs to be shared far and wide. That she can not only help children and families but also break down the information into easily digested bitesize nuggets illustrates her phenomenal level of understanding and skill

Thank you so much. This was extremely helpful and validating. No one listens and no one understands. It is very isolating.

Your webinar was hugely reassuring and managed to provide clarity on the complex, unfathomable, frustrating times we have had as a family. It sounds a massive cliche but I felt someone finally understood what our life has been like. You showed great empathy with children and families struggling with this baffling and painful situation, coming from a place of experience

I really appreciated your messages of hope- this is a journey and we will come out the end

£40.00 GBP

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